Why Home Buyers Are Seeking Professionals When Buying a Property

Apr 25, 2023

Which pros are Australians seeking when buying a property…

The use of buyers agents in Australia has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more homebuyers recognize the benefits of working with a professional who can help them navigate the complex process of purchasing a property. In this blog, we will explore the current trends in buyers agent usage in Australia and provide insights into the percentage of people who are using buyers agents.

According to a survey conducted by the Real Estate Buyers Agents Association of Australia (REBAA), approximately 20% of property transactions in Australia involve the use of a buyers agent. While this percentage may seem relatively low, it’s important to note that the use of buyers agents has been steadily increasing in Australia, as more buyers become aware of the benefits of working with a professional. (you can also read Renting Versus Buying A Home here)

The reasons for the increasing popularity of buyers agents in Australia are similar to those in the United States. One of the key benefits of using a buyers agent is that they work exclusively for the buyer, with no conflict of interest in trying to secure a sale for the seller. Buyers agents can provide impartial advice on the value of a property, potential risks, and investment potential, and can help buyers avoid common pitfalls and ensure they make an informed decision. They can also negotiate on behalf of the buyer, help with financing options, and provide access to industry professionals, such as building inspectors and real estate attorneys.

Another factor contributing to the increased usage of buyers agents in Australia is the complexity of the real estate market. With many different types of properties available in different regions, buyers can easily become overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. Buyers agents can provide valuable guidance on the market, property values, and the buying process, helping buyers make an informed decision.

Additionally, as the Australian property market becomes increasingly competitive, buyers agents can help buyers gain an advantage over other potential buyers by identifying off-market properties, negotiating effectively with sellers, and ensuring a smooth and efficient purchase process.

While the use of buyers agents in Australia is growing, it’s important to note that there are still many buyers who choose to go it alone and purchase a property without professional representation. This can be a risky decision, particularly for first-time buyers or those who are unfamiliar with the local market. Without the expertise of a buyers agent, buyers may miss out on potential opportunities or make costly mistakes during the buying process.

In conclusion, approximately 20% of property transactions in Australia involve the use of a buyers agent, with the trend towards using buyers agents on the rise. The benefits of using a buyers agent include their exclusive representation of the buyer, impartial advice, negotiation skills, and access to industry professionals. While some buyers still choose to go it alone, the increasing complexity of the real estate market and the desire for professional guidance is driving more buyers to seek out the services of a buyers agent. (you can also read Eight Home Styling Tips You Are Going To Want To Know! here)

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