What you need to know about Gold Coast property clearance rate…

The clearance rate is an important metric in the property market, as it gives an indication of the level of demand for properties in a particular area. The Gold Coast is a popular destination for both local and international buyers, with a diverse range of properties available from beachfront apartments to spacious family homes. In this blog post, we will examine the current clearance rate for the Gold Coast property market and what it means for buyers and sellers.

What is a clearance rate?

A clearance rate is the percentage of properties that sell at auction or by private treaty within a particular time frame. It is calculated by dividing the number of properties sold by the number of properties listed for sale. For example, if 100 properties were listed for sale and 80 were sold, the clearance rate would be 80%.

The clearance rate is often used as a measure of the health of the property market, with a higher clearance rate indicating strong demand and a lower clearance rate indicating weaker demand.

What is the current Gold Coast property clearance rate?

According to the latest data from CoreLogic, the current clearance rate for the Gold Coast property market is 63.6% as of March 2023. This represents a slight decrease from the previous month, where the clearance rate was 67.3%.

While the clearance rate has decreased slightly, it is important to note that the Gold Coast property market remains relatively strong, with a higher clearance rate than many other markets across Australia.

What factors are influencing the clearance rate?

There are several factors that can influence the clearance rate in the Gold Coast property market, including:
  1. Interest rates – low interest rates can make it easier for buyers to obtain financing, which can lead to increased demand and a higher clearance rate.
  2. Economic conditions – a strong economy with low unemployment can lead to increased consumer confidence and higher demand for properties.
  3. Seasonal fluctuations – the property market can experience seasonal fluctuations, with higher demand during certain times of the year such as spring and summer.
  4. Property supply – an oversupply of properties can lead to increased competition among sellers, which can result in a lower clearance rate.

What does the current clearance rate mean for buyers and sellers?

For sellers, a clearance rate of 63.6% indicates that there is still strong demand for properties on the Gold Coast. However, it is important to price properties appropriately and present them well to ensure they stand out in a competitive market.

For buyers, a clearance rate of 63.6% suggests that while there is still competition for properties, there may be more room for negotiation and potential opportunities to secure a property at a lower price.

It is important to note that the clearance rate is just one metric to consider when buying or selling a property. Other factors such as property type, location, and condition will also play a significant role in determining the value and demand for a property.


The current clearance rate for the Gold Coast property market remains relatively strong, with a rate of 63.6% as of March 2023. While the rate has decreased slightly from the previous month, it is still indicative of a healthy and competitive market. Buyers and sellers should take into account various factors such as interest rates, economic conditions, and property supply when making decisions in the Gold Coast property market. (you can also read Insight Into The Gold Coast Property Market & The Booming Suburbs here)

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